Tuesday, April 9, 2013

You can't be perfect all the time

The last two days my son has been a little disappointed in himself. He read Huckelberry Finn at the beginning of spring break and took his test and only got four questions right on their little computer quizes he takes. Today he was upset he was having a hard time doing some of his math homework. I helped him and than sat him down to talk. I reminded him that even though he is a great kid and very smart it is practically impossible to be perfect all the time. You are going to make mistakes, you are going to mess up sometimes, and you will even get in trouble at times. It does not mean you are a not a good kid but you are human and that is just how it is.

So why on a diet blog do I bother mentioning this. Because I think more often than not we forget this. I eat good most days or most meals but I do still have the occasional Pepsi. I love Pepsi but it is not the best thing for me to have every single day. I still eat cookies, usually just one, eat pasta, and order pizza. I get chicken on my pizza and get the healthier version of noodles and try to have it with chicken but occasionally I have it with hamburger meat. 

I mess up, I sometimes get distracted by the kids and miss the occasional workout. Sometimes we are busy and I eat out. It doesn't overshadow all the good I have done it just means that it might take me a little longer to get to my goal. It did take several years to get this way and I expect it will take me more than a few months to undo the damage. My Vi shakes makes it easier to make healthier choices. Gives me plenty of alternatives so I dont get bored. 

So don't let the occasional "slip" up get you down or derail you. I tell my son all the time it's not how often you mess up but how often you keep trying. Tomorrow is another day, don't let your mistakes define your future. 

Are you ready to join me on the Challenge?? http://lanischweitzer.bodybyvi.com

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