Thursday, April 4, 2013


I am not that girl who jumps out of bed excited to work out the next day. I would like to say I am motivated to get healthy or even look good in a bathing suit. But to be honest some days I put on my workout clothes and make myself. 

Today would be a great example of that. It was cloudy, raining off and on and I just wanted to sit around and do nothing. Soon it was almost 430 and I still hadn't even left the house let alone worked out. I knew if I didn't workout soon I never would. 

I never did find my motivation but my kids know I workout so I changed my clothes and than sat back on the couch. My son moved the table and rug for me and than finally I put the video in. Would love to say I found my motivation but it was literally a few steps that would make me follow through. Being a good example for my boys being the primary while the other is knowing once I stop it is easier to keep stopping. 

I know some of you know what I am talking about. While others have motivation in spades....I am a little jealous if you do, but some of us have to dig deep and make ourselves do it even when we don't want to. I just wanted you guys to know you are not alone when you feel that way and that if I can do it you can too.

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