So tonight I thought I would look up food that is supposed to help with that. I know that I am not the only one with that issue. There were lots of articles this one is based on one I found on Real Age.
1. Black Beans. Legumes in general are high in fiber and protein which help reduce appetite. Black beans are the highest in flavonoids which is expected to help fight belly fat.
2. Pears. Fresh pears are very low in calories and high in fiber that the articles actually states you can eat one at every meal and loose weight. Pears are loaded with two things that are supposed to help fight belly fat they are: catechins and flavonols.
3. Popcorn. Ok for those of you that got excited this popcorn minus the butter and salt (and the oil they use at the movie theater sorry guys). Popcorn is a whole grain belief it or not and people who ate lots of whole grain have been proven to have smaller waist lines.
4. Cold Potatoes. If you put potatoes in the fridge overnight they form a resistant starch crystal. This is a fiber that triggers two hunger halting hormones. It also helps burn more fat while making less available to store. You can make a vinegar potato salad.
5. Peanuts. The calories burned from peanuts are burned more readily than their less healthy alternatives such as cookies, crackers and chips.
6. Sunflower seeds. Tip to remember unsalted. You can toss them into your cereal, on your sandwhiches in your yoguart. This yummy little treat is high in monounsaturated fat, which is a healthy fat that inhibits waist spreading.
7. Tea. White Tea to be exact. A study showed that cells that were treated with white tea absorbed 70% less fat than those weren't. The same cells also triggered fat break down.
8. Apple Cider Vinegar. This yummy ingredient has a compound called acetic acid. This turbo boost the ability to burn fat while hindering fat storage. Double trouble for fat.
9. Safflower Oil. This is used a lot in salad dressings and a few teaspoons of this a day seems to encourage belly fat to take a hike. It contains an omega-6 ingredient called linolic acid that causes your metabolic rate to rev up.
Some of these foods are new to me. Some I realize I am getting thanks to my high fiber protein drink from Visuals and the omega-6 from my Omega Vitals. Some of these seem pretty easy to add to your diet. For instance maybe I should see if I can find a white tea that I like and that will also help increase my water intake and hopefully help me add more water to my day.
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