Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Why WE all need to add water to our daily diet.

I am first to admit I am really, really bad at drinking water. I would rather have something that taste yummy like soda, a sugary coffee or well anything else but water. Even now while I am trying to drink more water I find I use things to make it taste better. This morning I am drinking some with Visuals Neuro. It counts as water but I know I am not drinking enough. So today I am researching all the reasons I need to add sort of as a reminder to myself.

So why drink water:
1. FAT METABOLISM: This one thing alone should make me try and be more aware of how much i drink right. Let me explain according to the article Water is needed for every task of the body if the body does not have enough water to draw from it will use the water in fat, any fat stores that the body uses to get water from will less likely be used. So we store that fat.....uggg so basically we made it so our body has to store it. Not the goal I have in mind on my 90 Day Challenge.

2. Kidneys and Liver: Kidneys need a LOT of water to perform there fuctions. If they are not able to get it they function at lower capacity and will ask the liver to help out. The livers primary funciton is to metabolize stored fat...so if it is stuck helping out the kidneys because it doesnt have enough water to function how is it going to get rid of that fat you have been trying to get rid of?

3 Water Retention: This is similar to the starvation mood your body goes into if you dont eat enough. It starts to store what you put in so if you drink more the body will release more and you will retain less. If the body is getting enough water it will also release the extra soduim which we love to play for water retention.

4 Water and Exercis: Water helps with muscle tone and contraction. So if you find yourself feeling really hungry on days you workout or extremely tired you may need to increase your water intake. Yes 64 oz is the amount they recomend but if you are exercising (espicially doing a hard workout that causes you to sweat a lot) you may want to increase. Some articles say woman should have 90 or so ounces and men 100 or so ounces.

So the article I read actually references other articles for each statemnet and remember most this stuff from my health class in college. But sometimes we all need a reminder. If you want more information or want to read the whole article you can find it at http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/jenheath4.htm

Want to joing me on my 90 Day Challenge  http://lanischweitzer.myvi.net/ 

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