Monday, November 19, 2012

Do I really need to give up on bread?

I have friends that swear to me that they quit eating bread and lost 50 or so pounds. I love bread and pasta. Oh and lets not forget garlic bread to eat with my pasta. So heres the question "Is bread my enemy?"

So today I read another great article on WebMd that talked about this very thing. Most of us that love bread and have weight issues over do it on the white bread. Bagels, which my mom loves and eats most mornings, are pretty high in calories not overly high in fiber and according the food pyrmaid uses at least half of her carb intake.

The main problem with bread is that those bread items that we like that are not made with whole grains cause us to have a spike in insulin produciton and raises our blood sugar level. The bright side is if we are more aware and opt for the healthier whole grain versions of our favorite bread products it will get absorbed slower and we wont see such a huge spike in our sugar level.

Another problem with bread is that there seem to be more people with celiac disease or those that are senstitive gluten. This is something people need to be aware of because it does cause bloating, abdonminal pain, and fatigue. This is something you should talk to your doctor if you notice and get tested and if this is the case you my find you feel better if you put yourself on a gluten free diet. I do know several people that are on a gluten free diet and have found great recipes for all the things that they love including cake so do not despair it might take a few tries and a few recipes but there are great alternatives.

For those of you that do not fit in that category but are struggling with their weight and love bread there are a few alternatives. If you love bagels maybe switching to the bagel thins or split it, I eat the smaller bottom half and usually half the top between my kids when I find myself craving a bagel. I also make my burgers open face I use the bottom portion of the bun and leave the top off. If you can switch to whole wheat alternatives for your sandwhiches. They are generally healthier and have more vitamins and minerals than their conterparts. Check the label since companies have gotten crafty and started adding molasses to trick the consumers.

I guess the thing that we should learn is that if you are senstive and notice that you do get tired or bloat after bread talk to your doctor. If not than remember portion control. Pay atteniton to how much bread or bread like products you eat any day. Find a good alternative. I am eating less bread by replacing two out of my five meals a day with a Body By Vi Shakes. That works for me. Find what works for you and remember small changes can eventually lead to a big impact.

For more on the article check out:

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