Why I opted for the Body By Vi Challenge Vs Lap Band Surgery ( Before and After Photos Posted)
When you are extremely heavy, once you make the decision to lose weight, you want to lose the weight FAST.
I thought you might like to know that I actually considered Lap Band surgery when my doctor diagnosed me as being "morbidly obese". Before I actually tell you the reasons for making the decision to go a different route, I want to first tell you that my opinions expressed are in no way intended to slight those who have made the decision to opt for Lap Band Surgery-
In fact, I feel that in some cases, Lap Band Surgery is a great alternative for those who need to lose weight quickly for health reasons, and I'd want to also encourage those who have had Lap Band surgery by saying that the Body By Vi Shakes are a fantastic way of recieving all of the nutrition that you need, in a great tasting shake that has been proven to jump start a sluggish metabolism, AND the Visalus Shakes have been proven to improve the results of those who have reached a weight loss plateau, after having a gastric bypass or Lap Band Surgery.
After my primary care physician made the diagnosis of being Morbidly Obese, I knew that I had allowed my weight to get to the point that I had seriously jeopardized my health.
I started researching online, and began to read forum posts and any information that I could regarding having the Lap Band Surgery done.
I made an appointment with a well known clinic, known for performing several Lap Band Surgery procedures weekly, and decided that this would be the route I took in order to get the weight off.
I showed up for my initial consultation - and weighed in. After taking my vital signs, and reviewing all of my details, the consultant then began to outline what would be needed from me in order to qualify for the surgery due to medical reasons, and qualify to have the surgery paid for by my health insurance.
Well, to say that what happened next was shocking to me would be an understatement.
I was told that:
Even at my weight of 276 pounds, I did not quite meet the BMI requirement for surgery for medical reasons, however, that could "easily" be remedied in a couple of ways.
I could come in for another consultation, but just needed to make sure that I brought a couple of heavy overcoats, and a purse that was large enough to hold a brick.
I could also go through a psychological evaluation, where I was told that as long as I made it quite evident that I was very depressed about my weight, and felt that it hindered me from being productive in society, and finally;
I could gain an additional 30 pounds, and be approved without question.
After taking all of this in, I told the "consultant" that I would like some time to think things over, and that I would get back with her with my decision.
I left the office, shocked and very disappointed. I also had to ask myself - "If I have to game the system in order to have this surgery, what might the ultimate cost to me for having to take such drastic measures, including lying?"
I mulled over the decision about whether to move forward anyway, because I really wanted to lose the weight. I flip flopped back and forth, back and forth about whether to just do what the consultant advised me - but my conscience kept reminding me that "you reap what you sow".
I had been scheduled for a procedure to check things out prior to moving forward with the surgery. As luck would have it, the technician assigned to do the procedure had recently had a lap band surgery. We discussed how the procedure had worked for her, and she began to fill me in about her experience. As it turned out, she had been able to have the surgery, paid for by insurance, but what she hadn't counted on was that the lap band would slip, resulting in her needing an additional surgery to correct it - and the surgery would NOT be covered by the insurance - she would have to pay $13,000 out of pocket.
In the end, I went back to my primary physician, and told him of the experience that I had had, and asked what advice I could be given, after all, my justification was that I wanted to lose the weight, and I didn't want to die.
His response to me was quite clear - and quite simple. He simply told me - "Trust your gut".
I decided then and there that the surgery was not for me - I didn't want to take the risk of lying in order to obtain a quick fix, and I knew from previous experience, that if I pushed and lied to get something, that the outcome would be worse than taking the right road, and doing the right thing.
I then requested that he prescribe weight loss pills to help me "jump-start" my weight loss efforts.
In the end, I gained all of the weight back - and then I found the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge.
To date, I have lost over 100 pounds with the Visalus Body by Vi challenge - with the wonderful products, support, and exercise.
I also learned a very valuable lesson as well - that for me - sometimes, what looks like the easy way, can be a trap.
I'm very happy with the decision that I made - and I'm proud of what I've been able to accomplish. Whatever decision you decide to make, be sure to research your decision, diligently.
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